Friday, January 20, 2012

Pinterest and Black Beans

Ok, the title of this post makes no sense unless you live in my head so I'll fill you in:) I recently joined the Pinterest club and since I am a visual learner I am very much enjoying scrolling through each day and following the rabbit trail to see if something is really worth repinning. On the flip side, I think of myself as a rather creative person so I'd like to be able to post ideas of my own too so, I have found new zeal and purpose in this blog I started a couple of years ago. Now I haven't used the new Blogger set up before so sorry it's messy. So I found a "pin" today for Black beans... followed the rabbit trail and happened upon website with some suggestions ( but none of them were the recipe I use so I'm inspired to share my recipe(my mom's really)and make them again for my family. We learned to make/eat black beans this way in Costa Rica. Black Beans "A la Costarricense"
large soup pot 1 bag black beans rinsed and sorted 1 onion 2-3 cloves of garlic (add more or less to taste) 6 beef bouillon cubes 1 bunch of fresh cilantro water to about an inch over beans Chop onion, garlic and cilantro leaves add to pot with beans, bouillon and cilantro. Bring to a simmer on medium heat, turn heat down to med/low and stir every 20 minutes or so. If the water gets low and you like your beans more soupy, add more water, don't let them boil dry. They will need to cook 1-2 hours. We eat them over rice with a salad for dinner. Costa Rican's will mix the leftover beans and rice and warm it up in a skillet the next morning adding a couple of eggs to fry in the middle of the pan for breakfast- "Gallo Pinto" or Painted Rooster. I hope you enjoy!

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