Monday, August 16, 2010

Gardening is a spiritual experience for me

How does this...
get to look like this?
This morning it was only a 30 minute adventure from weed pulling to trimming around the brick. I'm not sure why it is but gardening seems to draw my thoughts to the very first garden and the great Gardener.
As I pull weeds, get dirt under my fingernails and try to avoid the bugs, my mind wanders to a place of peace, reflectiveness and desire to be closer to God. How amazing must the Garden of Eden been? All those beautiful plants, animals and trees, the soil rich and giving, no pests to sting you while you work. My little planter is no fancy garden but on a moderate summer morning kneeling next to the small bed seems less like work and more like a time of communion where the results are immediately gratifying as what looked like no more than a weed patch is tended into something much more pleasant to look at.
The rose bush, on the far end, was no more than a bundle of sticks I got at the Dollar store. Guessing it would never survive I planted it with little hope. Surprisingly, fertilizer, sun and water have brought out a lovely little bush that brings me great joy to look at. I might be that rose bush with little hope but if I let myself be tended, seeking God daily, his loving care would make my life bloom.
Sadly, my devotional life has looked more like my weed patch or the scraggly rose bush lately. Excuses, tiredness, small children and lack of desire have grown up around what had been a lovely ritual of time with the Father. Time to let the Gardener in, to fertilize, water and pull the weeds I guess.

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