Monday, October 4, 2010

Why would I?

Why would I have chalked 2010 up to a yucky year back in August?
Why would I have been SO ready for the kids to be in school and yet not expecting my time to be different?

This year has been an odd one for me. We all did pretty well health wise in January but February and March I struggled with a chronic sinus infection. Three rounds of antibiotics and some steroids later I came around. Spring finally arrived and things started to look up a bit but I never felt like I found my stride. Only got part of my garden planted and other things seemed to slip by me.

The HUGE highlight of the year came just as school was ending. We got to have a second family honeymoon (the first one is a long story that I'll share some other time!) Both my parents and my in-laws celebrated their 40Th wedding anniversaries in June so all the kids, spouses and grand kids hung out for a week at the Wisconsin Dells. It was fabulously fun! We did an Army Duck tour, a little outlet mall shopping, ate out, had a family BBQ complete with s'mores and spend time everyday at the amazing water parks. It was great fun with all 16 of us!

BUT... I came home with pneumonia! For 5 days I could not get off the couch to take care of myself, let alone my family. Recovery seemed to last forever and depression settled in with it. A summer routine was never really established and we kind of floundered.

By July I was determined to make some changes. I got a gym membership and started to get things going. Got some business set up for August and started making a daily calendar for the kids which they loved! We were going to make the best of the end of the summer. I left for my business convention and thought it would be a great time at "cheer leading camp" getting excited about what I love to do. Hearing that things were a mess at home sort of doused the high and returning home to have to put our 10 year old dog down and spend a week home without my husband was squelching to my spirit.

Somewhere after the crazy end to July I decided that it would be best if I just swallowed the pill. 2010 was going to be a year to forget, thinking, once I did that it would help me get through. It seemed cynical and unfair to what might be ahead because the year was barely 1/2 over but, it's where I was. Amazingly business boomed for me in August so I got busy getting "things" done.

After the resignation of 2010, I didn't dare to think that having both kids in school would feel like the free time I desired to work my business. The back to school rush and re-adjusting to routine was supposed to feel good. Again, it didn't really change much.

It seemed like things were about to normalize as we headed into Labor Day weekend. Todd and I had a lovely date night and late morning sleep since our kids were with their aunt out at Granny and Popi's house. We planned to join them on Saturday, do a family bike ride, go to a Firehouse pancake breakfast, see a parade and so many other fun things.

Then the CRASH happened. I spent 8 hours in the ER with Todd after he hit a fence post on his bicycle going about 25 mph. He broke his collarbone, dislocated and broke his hip. There was admission into the hospital, surgery, recovery, inpatient rehabilitation, realizing we needed a wheelchair ramp and other home accommodations. Family showing up and doing everything that needed to be done. Friends bringing food so there was a warm meal for me and the kids after a long day at the hospital.... life changed in an instant but it was all going to be OK it was just going to take the rest of 2010 to recover.

What providence God had for my attitude! What an amazing plan He had for the care of my children so they never felt the crisis. Everything that seemed silly and cynical had a place in helping me keep my sanity through such a difficult thing as this was and is. So now, I know I am to be home. To get my house in order, to care for my children, my husband and myself. There will be a little room for my business, sports for the kids and lots of family time but this is a "circle the wagons," "pause and reflect" kind of time for us as we continue to be in awe and watch God shower His blessings over our family in AMAZING ways.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

I can do anything!

As soon as I could walk I was in the garage helping my dad buff wax off the cars. I watched as both my parents took on home improvement project after home improvement project and although there was often lively discussion on what the best way might be to do something they always got it done and it was great!
Mom could rewire anything, fix the washer with duct tape and do all the usual "domestic" creative things when it came to the kitchen, crafting and sewing. Dad could fix the cars, the toilets, sinks and build things. I helped where I could in the kitchen, on the cars, painting walls, scraping paint or just handing over tools as needed.As kids we were always told we could do or be anything we wanted and that was very empowering.
When Todd and I got married he was in the Marines and he told me he knew our marriage would work dispite the stresses the Corps would put on us because I was a strong independent woman. He was right! Not long after we finally got me moved to where he was stationed they send him off for a few months. I took a long term sub job and then an evening job to fill my time. I took care of myself, the house, bills etc while he was gone but when the light bulb in the bedroom went out just days after he left I decided I wasn't going to change it- that was his job and when he got home he could do it. Silly thing to take a stand on I realize but it was symbolic of the fact that I could live very independently but that wasn't what I had chosen so the light bulb waited 3 months to be changed:)
Now as a parent, home owner, and with my own small business there are so many more things to fix and do. I have painted lots and lots of walls, window frames, sewn many sets of new curtains, hung shelves, laid down new laminate flooring, dug out a new garden, put in flower beds and on and on the list goes. I have taken help from friends to finish a swing set that seemed to take forever but many times I'd rather borrow or buy the tools and then learn how to do it myself. Many times these projects require long phone consultations with either my Mother or Father but that's part of the fun!
Last fall I negotiated a contract for a short term kiosk in the mall and then found out we had to build it to their specifications! At the same time my kitchen sink started leaking. It was ultimately frustrating to be in the garage cutting wood with the table saw while a plumber was in my house installing a new faucet- I knew I could do it if I just had the time!
All this brings me to my latest triumph in doing things myself... the toilet!
Let's just say it was more than just "use a plunger" kinda plugged and I had (on my Daddy's recomendation) bought and ran a snake through it. Well, when all that did was make the really gross toilet over flow onto the floor and into the tub it was time to do more- search online!
Last night, sometime after midnight, I paid for an online chat with professional plumber Mike from Louisiana at . Then this morning I went to buy an auger and took care of some business.
Now I'm not interested in a new profession but considering this has happened before and will happen again I am prepared.

Feel free to call me when your toilet is plugged- I won't unplug it for you or clean up the mess (that was gross) but I'll happily lend you my new handy dandy auger and tell you how to use it cause you too can do anything!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Gardening is a spiritual experience for me

How does this...
get to look like this?
This morning it was only a 30 minute adventure from weed pulling to trimming around the brick. I'm not sure why it is but gardening seems to draw my thoughts to the very first garden and the great Gardener.
As I pull weeds, get dirt under my fingernails and try to avoid the bugs, my mind wanders to a place of peace, reflectiveness and desire to be closer to God. How amazing must the Garden of Eden been? All those beautiful plants, animals and trees, the soil rich and giving, no pests to sting you while you work. My little planter is no fancy garden but on a moderate summer morning kneeling next to the small bed seems less like work and more like a time of communion where the results are immediately gratifying as what looked like no more than a weed patch is tended into something much more pleasant to look at.
The rose bush, on the far end, was no more than a bundle of sticks I got at the Dollar store. Guessing it would never survive I planted it with little hope. Surprisingly, fertilizer, sun and water have brought out a lovely little bush that brings me great joy to look at. I might be that rose bush with little hope but if I let myself be tended, seeking God daily, his loving care would make my life bloom.
Sadly, my devotional life has looked more like my weed patch or the scraggly rose bush lately. Excuses, tiredness, small children and lack of desire have grown up around what had been a lovely ritual of time with the Father. Time to let the Gardener in, to fertilize, water and pull the weeds I guess.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Everyone needs a friend like Sally

I'm off to a slow blogging start! I won't try to fill in the 7 months between 1st and 2nd posts, onward and upward!

Before we purchased our big blue house Todd and I lived in a little rental about a mile away. It was a great place to start our family and we made good friends with the neighbors from across the street.

We first met Sally when we brought Sophia home from the hospital. There was a knock on the door and there she was with her then 4 year old son. (Sally admitted later she had been watching my belly grow as I tended the flowers in front of the house and she had asked her husband Brian if he could see anything pink or blue in the window.) Just hours after we put up an "It's a Girl!" banner on the front door, there they were at the front door with a baby girl present. We ran into each other taking walks, exchanged quick baby sitting for doctor appointments and blew bubbles in the front yard with our kids. We even had a nice Easter dinner together.

On moving day after purchasing our big blue house there was a protest sign firmly planted in our front yard... Sally was mad we were leaving. She had promised to picket, not help at all and there it was planted in our yard, a sign saying we were not allowed to leave! It didn't take long though and she came over with hubby and son to help load the truck.

Since chance encounters no longer happened in the front yard, we had to make a point to get together. We started meeting up at the park for play dates and picnics. One evening on the phone, lamenting we hadn't been together in a while and the fact that we both had to make dinner, we decided to have dinner together. We each gave a quick verbal inventory of the fridge contents mixed an matched a lovely dinner from each of our kitchens and whatever was bountiful in her garden. It turned out to be a GREAT meal and an AMAZING evening. We set the kids in front of a movie and the adults played a game. So, our get togethers got started!

When I decided to put a garden in our big back yard Sally helped me with the plans, what to plant, how and when. I dubbed her my "garden guru." She was on my call list as I started my home business and needed help with child care. She threw a great book party with me and helped me get started. When I came home from vacation with pneumonia she came and took my kiddoes for the day so I could rest! Her hubby Brian is a professional photographer and gave Sophia a free session for her 1st birthday and he took the most beautiful family pictures of us when Wesley was just a large bundle in my belly.

There are few friends as precious as the one who will bring her left overs over to mix with yours at the end of a long month, wash the dishes in your kitchen while you run an errand and bring you 8 pounds of green beans, plus help you can them all!

I am truly blessed and everyone needs a friend like Sally!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

So, I never imagined I would start a blog but as much as I like to write and tell stories it seems right. So with some hesitation here goes...

I'll introduce myself first- my name is Janine, a 30-something stay at home mom. Married to my high school sweet heart (some day I'll post that story) Todd and he is a computer engineer. We have two amazing and sweet kids the older is a blond little Pixie who is very strong willed, generous and bouncy; she's 4. The younger is a towe headed cuddly Monster boy who loves to play Batman right now and is the most polite, and verbal, 2 year old you have ever met. We have a wonderful big blue house with a porch swing and a big back yard in a quiet neighborhood, a dog Princess Buttercup (American Cocker Spaniel) and a newly adopted cat Dust Bunny (nondescript grey street cat.)

Besides all the business of running a home, clothing, feeding, shuttling around, cleaning up after and enjoying a family and home I have a small business as an independent educational consultant with Usborne Books & More. In a previous life I taught Kindergarten, 1st grade and Elementary Spanish for 10 years and books have always been a passion of mine. So now I get to share them with friends, new acquaintances, schools and libraries it's wonderful. You can check out my website at

So the idea for this website is to post the little stories that come with life but also all the crazy creative things I like to dibble-dabble in. I do some sewing, cooking, cross stitching, scrap booking, gardening, biking, name a few of the moments passions.

Welcome to my Creative Dibble-Dabble! I'm glad you stopped by. Come again soon and sit with me to enjoy a cup of tea- today it's echinacia green tea with honey since I have a sore throat.