Sunday, September 11, 2011

Reflecting on Fall

I don't know how often you like to reflect on the day, month or years past. I often find myself pondering the connections through time and the purposes God had for the joys, sorrows, pains and trials of life. At this moment I find myself reflecting on the significant events in my life that have come this at time of year.

Today so many remember 9/11/01, where they were, what happened to them and how their life changed. I was teaching in a classroom full of 1st graders. Here is my facebook status reflection: Today I choose to remember the hero's in my classroom. The morning of 9/11 we were sitting on the carpet reading a book when the classroom assistant came in and said a plane had hit the World Trade Center. I didn't know what that meant or where it was. The steep learning curve began when I stole a moment to head to the copy room to see what the news was saying. I watched the 2nd tower get hit. through the process of the day some of my 1st grade charges were picked up from school early. I managed to get through to my Marine (aka hubby) at work and all he could say was he didn't know.

I armed my little ones as if sending them into their own battle before sending them home from school. "Mommy and Daddy may be sad. You need to give them a hug and know that it's ok if they squeeze extra tight- they love you. If they are watching TV don't watch with them go play or do something else. I love you each and I'll be here tomorrow."

Hubby did arrive home late that evening and we spent it in stunned silence in front of the TV. The next morning our "Carpet time" was much different because each of my little people needed to talk about what their house was like the night before and so many of them told me that Mommy or Daddy did not come home or left quickly to go to crash sites and help. For those hero's who were sent to help and those parents too stunned to speak I want you to know there were others of us who stood in the gap for you.

That was 10 years ago... but 4 years ago on this date God gave us a happy memory- Wesley Michael Jenista was born. I knew from days old that this boy had a funny personality. He was a good sleeper, hungry boy and super sweet to cuddle. Every year as the world mourns he is our bright spot. I don't envy him having to attend assemblies and moment's of silence on his birthday for the rest of his life but he is a living symbol of time moving on.

This time of year will now also hold memories of "The crash of 2010." Just one year later Todd is back to bike riding, running, tennis and all the usual daddy duties at home- it's hard to believe he spend 3 months in a wheel chair last fall unable to stand to take a shower, drive himself anywhere or help with household chores. The last 2 weeks have been very emotional for me remembering the details through site sound and smell of fall arriving. How we were cared for by friends and family it such simple, amazing and even miraculous ways.

Now, as school has started and both children are there full days. I have time for my business and it is growing. I get to volunteer in my kiddoes classrooms, go to the gym by myself, grocery shop by myself, volunteer tutor, and attend a mommies group. Maybe I'll get to painting all those chipped door frames from last fall.

Reflecting gives me peace about where I have been, it's purpose, God's timing and helps me put my present in perspective. I am so thankful for the awakening God gave our country 10 years ago, the hope that arrived 4 years ago and everything God has brought me through in the past year. Now is a time for wholeness and growth. Life is here!