Sunday, September 26, 2010

I can do anything!

As soon as I could walk I was in the garage helping my dad buff wax off the cars. I watched as both my parents took on home improvement project after home improvement project and although there was often lively discussion on what the best way might be to do something they always got it done and it was great!
Mom could rewire anything, fix the washer with duct tape and do all the usual "domestic" creative things when it came to the kitchen, crafting and sewing. Dad could fix the cars, the toilets, sinks and build things. I helped where I could in the kitchen, on the cars, painting walls, scraping paint or just handing over tools as needed.As kids we were always told we could do or be anything we wanted and that was very empowering.
When Todd and I got married he was in the Marines and he told me he knew our marriage would work dispite the stresses the Corps would put on us because I was a strong independent woman. He was right! Not long after we finally got me moved to where he was stationed they send him off for a few months. I took a long term sub job and then an evening job to fill my time. I took care of myself, the house, bills etc while he was gone but when the light bulb in the bedroom went out just days after he left I decided I wasn't going to change it- that was his job and when he got home he could do it. Silly thing to take a stand on I realize but it was symbolic of the fact that I could live very independently but that wasn't what I had chosen so the light bulb waited 3 months to be changed:)
Now as a parent, home owner, and with my own small business there are so many more things to fix and do. I have painted lots and lots of walls, window frames, sewn many sets of new curtains, hung shelves, laid down new laminate flooring, dug out a new garden, put in flower beds and on and on the list goes. I have taken help from friends to finish a swing set that seemed to take forever but many times I'd rather borrow or buy the tools and then learn how to do it myself. Many times these projects require long phone consultations with either my Mother or Father but that's part of the fun!
Last fall I negotiated a contract for a short term kiosk in the mall and then found out we had to build it to their specifications! At the same time my kitchen sink started leaking. It was ultimately frustrating to be in the garage cutting wood with the table saw while a plumber was in my house installing a new faucet- I knew I could do it if I just had the time!
All this brings me to my latest triumph in doing things myself... the toilet!
Let's just say it was more than just "use a plunger" kinda plugged and I had (on my Daddy's recomendation) bought and ran a snake through it. Well, when all that did was make the really gross toilet over flow onto the floor and into the tub it was time to do more- search online!
Last night, sometime after midnight, I paid for an online chat with professional plumber Mike from Louisiana at . Then this morning I went to buy an auger and took care of some business.
Now I'm not interested in a new profession but considering this has happened before and will happen again I am prepared.

Feel free to call me when your toilet is plugged- I won't unplug it for you or clean up the mess (that was gross) but I'll happily lend you my new handy dandy auger and tell you how to use it cause you too can do anything!