Sunday, January 31, 2010

So, I never imagined I would start a blog but as much as I like to write and tell stories it seems right. So with some hesitation here goes...

I'll introduce myself first- my name is Janine, a 30-something stay at home mom. Married to my high school sweet heart (some day I'll post that story) Todd and he is a computer engineer. We have two amazing and sweet kids the older is a blond little Pixie who is very strong willed, generous and bouncy; she's 4. The younger is a towe headed cuddly Monster boy who loves to play Batman right now and is the most polite, and verbal, 2 year old you have ever met. We have a wonderful big blue house with a porch swing and a big back yard in a quiet neighborhood, a dog Princess Buttercup (American Cocker Spaniel) and a newly adopted cat Dust Bunny (nondescript grey street cat.)

Besides all the business of running a home, clothing, feeding, shuttling around, cleaning up after and enjoying a family and home I have a small business as an independent educational consultant with Usborne Books & More. In a previous life I taught Kindergarten, 1st grade and Elementary Spanish for 10 years and books have always been a passion of mine. So now I get to share them with friends, new acquaintances, schools and libraries it's wonderful. You can check out my website at

So the idea for this website is to post the little stories that come with life but also all the crazy creative things I like to dibble-dabble in. I do some sewing, cooking, cross stitching, scrap booking, gardening, biking, name a few of the moments passions.

Welcome to my Creative Dibble-Dabble! I'm glad you stopped by. Come again soon and sit with me to enjoy a cup of tea- today it's echinacia green tea with honey since I have a sore throat.